5E Monsters with Flying

5E Monsters with Flying

5E Monsters with Flying

This resource is designed to help players and dungeon masters quickly find 5E monsters with flying speeds. The reasons one might need such a resource are as varied as the reasons one might play Dungeons & Dragons in the first place. Perhaps you want to ascend to a floating citadel or need to scramble aerial forces to defend against a threatening army. Maybe you want to find a cool creature for your character to ride. A horse may be too common and doesn’t do it for you. There is no wrong reason.

I’d love to hear some creative stories about your characters or their strongholds. Maybe you end up using an air fleet of rocs to haul cargo, including passengers, over a treacherous mountain range. Or perhaps you somehow encouraged a cloister of flumphs to take up residence around the entrance to a pond of religious significance to you or your town. I hope you find what you’re looking for and maybe drop a comment with what you use the table for.

Have I forgotten to use a favorite sourcebook? Let me know in the comments and I’ll update this list when I can. In the meantime, you might enjoy reading this article on Darkvision. Or this one on how “surprise rounds” don’t exist in 5E. Thanks!

5E Monsters with Flying

This table shows official Dungeons & Dragons 5E monsters from the Monster Manual with flying speeds along with their size, type, alignment, and challenge rating.

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