5E Racial Stat Bonus Chart

If you’re looking to create a new character and your race selection is flexible, use this Stat Bonus Chart to help. Perhaps you’re just wanting to play to a stereotype of a brutish tank, a mouthy bard, or a sneaky rogue. If so, that’s great! Stereotypes can be a lot of fun and playing to them doesn’t make you a poor gamer. Sort the list by the ability score you want to maximize and have fun.
Be sure to share this with your friends. Also, let me know if you have questions or if I’ve missed something that should be included.
5E Racial Stat Bonus Chart
*Races appear multiple times if they also appear in multiple sources.
About Author
Patrick began playing RPGs around 1994 when his brother introduced him to AD&D and Cyberpunk 2020. His current favorites are D&D 5E and Forbidden Lands. Raised on a steady diet of jalapeños, MTV, 80s action, sci-fi, and horror movies, his gut has been wrenching for nearly 40 years. He lives in North Georgia with his family and way too many books.
Very nice site however could do with an update to the newer content from ‘Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse’ so both versions are available.
Keep up the good work though.
Hi Andrew. Thank you for the suggestion! When I skimmed that book it suggested using the more recent rules of just assigning the stat bonuses as you see best fits the character you want to play, or to use the quick-build suggestions. Have I overlooked something?