Symbaroum Reference Sheet

Symbaroum Reference Sheet
Symbaroum Reference Sheet by Patrick Higingbotham

Fantasy could arguably be considered over-represented in tabletop roleplaying games. I think many people immediately think of Dungeons & Dragons whenever they hear fantasy. What I like about Symbaroum’s fantasy setting is how dark and gritty it is. This is not the high fantasy of D&D. I know that for some people, that will be a turn-off. But for those who appreciate a deadly system in a low fantasy setting, it’s welcoming. Or, if you’re like me, you find yourself unable to resist the temptation of backing a 5E conversion of Symbaroum so you can get the amazing setting with familiar rules.

But I digress. The Symbaroum Reference Sheet is for use with the original rules as published by Free League Press in 2014. You can use it as a player handout, attach it to a GM screen, or use the 2-page PDF as a heads-up display on your monitor. Any option will give you the ability to nimbly recall rules you may not have memorized yet. You can see a full preview of the reference sheet on the DriveThru RPG page. Hopefully, you find it useful and choose to share it with your players and fellow game masters!

Get the Symbaroum Reference Sheet

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