Wicked Witch Cocktail

Wicked Witch Cocktail

Reading Time: 2 minutes“The Wicked Witch Cocktail is as safe as anything else a witch would offer you to drink…” There are bad ideas, and then there are bad ideas that happen to taste good. This is the latter. The Wicked Witch is a glass full of contradictions—sweet … [continue reading]

Blue Slaad Cobbler

Blue Slaad Cobbler

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhen I came to the Summoning Grounds it was to clear a debt, not for the love of serving drunk patrons and especially not for baking. Nevertheless, one day a stool pigeon bet me an 8-crease that I couldn’t make something edible out of his … [continue reading]

Gaewiskii—Bourbon Pecan Pie Cocktail

Gaewiskii—Bourbon Pecan Pie Cocktail

Reading Time: 2 minutesMost of my cocktail inspirations come from mysterious travelers. They come to The Summoning Grounds looking for comfort and, when possible, familiarity. It never fails that I get asked to make something esoteric and practically unheard of in Lower Ryknût. A weary traveler once asked … [continue reading]

Boozy Whipped Dalgona Coffee

Boozy Whipped Dalgona Coffee

Reading Time: 2 minutesLower Ryknût sees its share of far travelers and The Summoning Grounds here in Raventhorne is no exception. Several months ago a minstrel was spinning some yarn about a mysterious place called Dalgona. No one here has ever heard of it so it’s probably fiction. Nonetheless, … [continue reading]

Brain Hemorrhage Shot

Brain Hemorrhage Shot

Reading Time: 2 minutesFew people order a Brain Hemorrhage shot because they like it. They order it because they like the attention it draws. Some bartenders don’t know how to make it and others groan whenever someone orders it. It’s not hard to make. The issue is while … [continue reading]

Paper Plane Cocktail, a Modern Classic

Paper Plane Cocktail, a Modern Classic

Reading Time: 2 minutesI didn’t always love bourbon. I got shit-faced on Jim Beam in my early twenties while camping with my brother. Ever since that day, I couldn’t stand the stuff. Eventually, I began wondering if eschewing bourbon meant that I was missing out. I decided that … [continue reading]

Otik’s Spiced Potatoes

Otik’s Spiced Potatoes

Reading Time: 3 minutesIn some quaint part of some remote world exists a curious man named Otik. An itinerant traveler once asked me to make him some of Otik’s Spiced Potatoes. As well-traveled as the man was, he was sorely lacking in the nuances of recreating recipes from … [continue reading]

Pandemic Bread

Pandemic Bread

Reading Time: 2 minutesDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself drawn, time and time again, to my pantry. The previous day I had made some Strawberry Jalapeño Jam in a desperate attempt to salvage some produce before it spoiled. Now I needed something to spread it on. I … [continue reading]

Strawberry Jalapeño Jam

Strawberry Jalapeño Jam

Reading Time: 2 minutesI had strawberries and jalapeños in danger of going bad and love the juxtaposition of sweet and spicy. Strawberry Jalapeño Jam seemed like a no-brainer. Using chiles in recipes can be hit or miss for some people because the heat is often inconsistent. I like … [continue reading]