Vaesen Reference Sheet

Horror is an easy genre to do poorly. It’s not unlike fantasy in that regard. But Free League Publishing made it work with the Nordic Horror Roleplaying game Vaesen. (Read a nice review of the game on The Yawning Portal.) The 19th-century Scandanavian setting is perfect for exploring the weird, the occult, and the supernatural. From my perspective so far, I don’t know that the rules need any revisions or supplementation. However, as with Forbidden Lands and Candlekeep Mysteries, tools for speeding up gameplay are valuable. I have consolidated much of the information from the rules and now present them in the Vaesen Reference Sheet which you can purchase on DriveThru RPG.
With players (there are no spoilers in the document) and gamemasters in mind, the print-friendly format is perfect to use as a handout at your table. Or, if you’re more digitally inclined, use the two-page view in Adobe and leave it up on your monitor for quick access. You can see a full preview of the reference sheet on the DriveThru RPG page. We hope you find it as useful as we do and, please, share it with your players.
Get the Vaesen Reference Sheet